Thursday 11 October 2012

Tips to get Six Pack Abs

Hi Guys, and welcome to my blog where six pack abs is a reality and something that you can achieve.

Ok, let me get straight down to it. For six pack abs you do not need to do any SIX PACK EXERCISES! NO CRUNCHES, NO SITUPS, NONE AT ALL. You can get a six pack abs without these ab specific exercises. Let me explain why: Everyone (Except for in some rare condition) has got a Six Pack abs but with most cases it is covered by a layer of fat under your skin. Therefore to be able to see you abs, you must reduce the layers of fat under your skin to allow the muscles underneath to be visible. Doing cruches is not going to be burning no fat , or very little. You would just be building your six pack abs, but what is the point when you can't see it.

I advice you to do some high intensity training and low intensity training. High intensity will burn a lot of fat really quickly, but the low intensity would use that fat and make sure that it doesn't go back on your body. Mix this cardio with weight training or you can do compound movements instead like Push ups, Pulls ups, Bench Press etc. This would increase the amount of muscle in your body, and if you study biology you will know that muscle cells contain more mitochondria, needing more energy from respiration. This will INCREASE YOUR METABOLISM and INCREASE YOUR GDA (Guided Daily Amount of Calories) meaning that simply, you would be able to eat more food but still not gain any weight.

Hope This Helps, Keep Checking back for more information!

Monday 24 September 2012

How Teens can get Six Pack Abs! *FAST*

Hey guys this is my first post so be kind :)

Six Pack abs, we all want them but we all just can’t seem to get them. I know there is a lot of advice out there for getting a six pack but what advice is there for a TEEN to get a six pack? Nope not a lot so this blog will focus on that and help us teens get a six pack, yep, you guessed it, I’m a teen. I’m 15 and I had a lot of trouble getting a six pack but I have one now and it feels good!
This is just an introduction post as to what my blog will be about so make sure you stick around so that you get the vital tips that no one ever told me when I set out on my quest to get six pack abs. Also if you have any questions comment on these post and I will be sure to answer them. Trust me, I was in your position.